This will be a growing list of the tools that have made my life easier and hopefully wil do the same for you.
I will try and limit this list to the best of the best. Everything else check out My Github Stars List there is loads on there
Mobaxterm - This is great for managing logo sessions to boxes when you are on a job. This has a nice SSH Tunnel tool. Also can spin up a number of services quickly web, ftp, smb…est
- Ueli - This is a great app. have your own customizable launcher with some great plugins. helps speed up my workflow because you can access things so quickly I like the shortcuts feature alot
- dngrep - powerful windows grep tool
- AutoHotKey - Dont work harder work smarter. This can help you with creating macros and little scripts for things you do more than once or to speed things up..Automate it all!! I have released a few tools using this:
- Vulnsearch - this will search on popular exploit websites for vulns for you
- Secpol - Exports the GUI version from secpol.msc to csv file
- NETworkManager a .net GUI network manager for windows - has a few nice features
- SauronEye - This is a great .NET for searching for passwords in files
- PowerToys - useful for custom snap window management and layouts
- WinPEAS - great privesc script
- ZSH - my new found love. sorry bash!! loads of plugins and customizability. Ive got a post on this
- peco
- duplicut - useful for making wordlists removing duplicates but keeping the order
- fzf - fuzzy search
- bat- like cat but better
- Traitor - a cool priv esc tool to check the low hanging fruit
- LinPEAS - privesc script
- pwnfox - this is really good for seperation testing allowing you to have sandbox tab so can login with another account.
- wappalyser - find out what technologies are used by the app
- retire.js - This is good for findings vulnerable web components - jquery..est. The browser plugin is great - Firefox Addon, Chorme Extention
- foxyproxy - quick and easy proxy switcher
- I use this like a bookmark dashboard and find it useful to quickly find resourece and get where I want to go. Checkout the dashboard I made
- Hack-Tools - A swiss army knife
Web Application Testing
- Burp Suite - Pretty much the gold standard when it comes to webapp testing. it does so so much. It likes to eat all your ram . nom nom nom . The community version is great
- Nuclei - This is amazing!. A community supported template based -vulnerbility scanner.
- Nuceli-Template - Good to update them regullary
- Aquatone - so far the best for web screenshots. can supply it a url list or nmap file
- Httpx - another gem from the projectdiscovey guys. this will check if the url is alive. really nice output options
- Concurl - run curl currently ;) then grep what comes out
- FeroxBuster - This it the next evolution of gobuster and quicklybecomming my goto.
- SQLInjectionWiki - Great resource to lean on when picking at SQLI
Burp Suite
- Burpsuite Apps - This is a useful online tool for finding burp plugins
- Authorize - good for seperation and access control testing. works well with pwnfox. hoover in a low priv cookie and it will follow along ur browser high priv account
Online Tools
- - Make sure to select private
- CyberChef - Always one to keep bookmarked. Its is my go to when seeing some nonsense hash
- endoflife - useful to lookup software to see if its EOL
Active Directory
- nessus-file-parser - if you dont know about this one then now u do! This was a game changer when i found it . This amazing python script will parse multiple .nessus files to a spreadsheet that makes sense. This then gives you the power to filter and search in excel away from the horrid nessus GUI
- ultimate-nmap-parser - I know shameless plug. I made this a long time ago and still use it most tests. This will parse out .gnmap files
- nmap-parse-output - Another good nmap parsing tool
- xurls - This will parse out urls from anything you pipe into it
- gf - Another great tool from tomnomnom. essentially have a quick access grep library to run say over your concurl output
Infastructure Testing
nmap - Lets be honest there is no better scanner. Never has never will. I dont need to say much else
- RustScan - Super duper fast portscanner written in Rust
- Brutespray - This is great for automated brutefocing. will take in a nmap file and blast ur wordlists. u may want to skip ssh and other tempremental protocls
- nndefaccts - nmap script with better dataset for checking default creds
- CrackMapExec - Another must for the toolbox. a swissarmy knife for smb and other ports. This is the big daddy
- Scrying - take screeenshots of web,rdp,vnc - takes in nmap or nessus file
- Pwncat - a nice little manger for your shells
- Godance - useful tool to bruteforce SMB. compiled exe runs on old windows versions
- PowerHuntShares - Really useful powershell script for checking smb shares
- WinShareEnum - Another useful GUI tool for enumerting shares
- Name-That-Hash - useful for figuring out what hash
- ssh-audit - great to check ssh ports
Bug Bounty
- Rengine - really cool automated recon tool. do alot of the basic checks whilst your feet are up
Red Team
- Cobalt Strike - This is a great C2. aftre using this I cant go back
- Pwndrop - useful web server to upload / download
- ScoutSuite - Security Auditing tool. always good to run when reviewing AWS
- Prowler
- Statistically Likely Usernames
- namesmash - helps building username wordlists
- Mentalist - Custom wordlist generation
- wordlist-tools - Shameless plug. this allows quick download of lots of good wordlist repos
- PyDog - useful for making quick wordlist based on a single word
- CeWL - scrape a website generating a wordlist
- - I use this to sync my testing tools and notes. No client data ;) helpful if you have multiple systems and a nice backup too… FREE aswell
- Ngrok - This is great tool for getting a public ip or address. I use this if i need to quickly run a web server over the internet
- updog - host a web server for upload/download files.. really useful and can combine with ngrok